[ Tutorials ] ميثود الجوجل ادورد الميثود حسابات جوجل ادورد


Al-Mustansir Billah
Super Moderator
21 Jun 2019

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركات

آلحَمد للَه آلذي لُولآه مآ جَرى قَلم ، ولآ تَكلم آنسآن وآلصلآة وآلسَلآم عَلى

سَيدنآ مُحمد [ صَلى آلله عَليه وآله وصَحبه وسَلم ] كآن آفصَح آلنآس لسآنآ وآوُضحهم بيآنآ

معنا اليوم شرح عمل حسابات للتمويل على جوجل ادورد بمبالغ كبيرة بدون اى اموال

ميثود الجوجل ادورد

Hey Guys!

I was talking with one of my buddies the other day and he was buying these accounts for 50-60$ from sellers on BHW and I was surprised he didn't know the method to create them.

All you need to do is the following
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After you receive the voucher DO NOT add it to the account right away, instead add it when you are at least 50% through your threshold.

VCC sources - look around on BHW/Bitcointalk there's guys selling them for 5 to 10$ a piece.
You can even make those accounts with Gcloud VPS or AWS but I recommend a residential IP if you can get them.
... or you can register a paid G Suite plan (from 5$/month) and in a few (days/weeks) get 100-200-300$ voucher for each advertising account​

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